Whether derived from address information, acquired by GPS devices, or otherwise generated, many databases contain geographic coordinates of point locations as separate numeric columns in a table. 无论是从地址信息中推导出来的、由GPS设备获得的还是以其他方式生成的,许多数据库都包含点位置的地理坐标,这些信息在数据库中保存为单独的数字列。
While geographic coordinates can be used to represent point locations anywhere, they are not suitable for defining lines of appreciable length or computing distances. 地理坐标可以用来表示任何地方的点位置,但是不适合定义具有可度量长度的直线或计算距离。
Study on technology of geographic environment reconstruction from high-resolution point cloud& Case study on the model of Hunhe River 基于高分辨率点云的地理场景重建技术研究&以浑河流域模型为例
"Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations" GB/T16831-1997地理点位置的纬度、经度和高程的标准表示法
The paper studies fuzzy characters about fuzzy geographic entities such as fuzzy point entity, fuzzy line entity and fuzzy surface entity, and discusses the representation about fuzzy entities. 基于人眼综合已有信息来识别同名实体的思想,本文提出了基于空间相似性的面实体匹配算法。
The important work is the geographic information system and the expert system union realization, after the fixed point demonstrated the spatial attribute information and the assessment completes this assess after the modifies space data and the natural attribute data for the recovery. 重要的工作就是地理信息系统与专家系统结合的实现,在此包括定点显示空间属性信息和评价后通过修改空间数据和自然属性数据来完成此点评价后的恢复。
Objective Basing on the non proportional spatial distribution of air contaminant, using spatial analysis methods of Geographic Information System ( GIS) to find out the new way to deal with point based data. 目的根据大气污染物在空间分布不均匀的特点,利用地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析方法,探索优化利用点源数据的新途径。
Geographic Registration for Air-bome SAR Image with no Ground Control Point Supported by GPS Position Data GPS支持下的机载SAR遥感图像无控制准实时地理定位
In this paper, dynamic property of geographic information is firstly analyzed and described in details, and a model of describing positional information of dynamic point is further set up. 在详细分析和描述地理信息动态性的基础上,建立了矿山GIS中动态点位置信息的表达模型。
Taking the DLG storage data as example, this paper described that mapping product storage data is the core content of geographic information system and briefly explained the quality control point and its major content. 以DLG建库数据为例,指出了测绘产品建库数据是地理信息系统的核心内容,扼要阐述了各阶段质量控制要点及其质量控制的主要内容。
Geo-information technology is a complex applied technology mainly consisting of remote sensing, geographic information system and global positioning system, which is gradually becoming the important part of the information technology and the key competition point of all countries in information field. 地理信息技术是以遥感、地理信息系统、全球定位系统和网络等技术为其核心的综合性应用技术,它正逐渐成为当今信息技术的重要部分,并将成为信息领域各国竞争的制高点。
The electromagnetic radiant point information system designed in this thesis is based on GIS ( Geographic Information System). 论文以地理信息系统(GIS,GeographicInformationsystem)为基础,设计了电磁辐射源信息系统。
And with a case of ESRI Shape format file, discusses in detail the spatial select query algorithm in Geographic Information Systems ( GIS) including point query and window query, based on the improved quadtree. 并以ESRISHAPE格式文件为例,详细探讨了改进的四叉树在地理信息系统(GIS)的空间选择查询(包括点查询和开窗查询)中的应用与实现算法。
Tumen River Region is the geographic center of Northeast Asia and the potential cross point of its economy. Its development is the key to the economic growth of the six nations of Northeast Asia. 图们江区域是东北亚的地理中心,是东北亚区域经济的潜在交会点,图们江区域开发是东北亚六国国际经济合作的关键。
Meanwhile, adopting a geographic typological point of view, the paper analyzes the markers of dispositional and passive structures in different dialects, which proves the dialectal typology of Xiangfan dialect. 同时运用了语言地理类型学的观点,共时分析了不同方言类型处置式和被动式的标记词,证实了襄樊方言的方言类型。
And the country is of generous various energy resources and significant geo-lacation. According to the geographic characteristics, since the cold war has ended, Mongolia has become the strategic point in the struggles among the great powers in the world day by day. 由于地缘上的特殊性,冷战结束以来,蒙古国逐渐成为世界大国相互争斗的战略要地。
Combined two kinds of software the traditional statistics and geographic information system, it can make the nutrients of sediment achieve comprehensive analysis from the qualitative to quantitative, accurately understanding research area nutritional status of every point. 采用传统地统计学与地理信息系统(GIS)软件相结合,达到了对底泥养分从定性到定量的全面分析,可以准确地了解研究区域具体每一点位的营养状况。
Apply Geographic Information System ( GIS) to build regional tourism resources point assessment index, use layer analysis method to classify tourism resources degree and form zoning. 应用地理信息系统建立适宜于区域旅游资源点(区)评价的指标体系,运用层次分析法确定旅游资源的级别及区划,最后从资源和区位条件出发,研究旅游资源的开发模式。
Modern mapping technology has become an important embodiment of the level of national science and technology, its geographic information industry is becoming a new economic growth point. 现代测绘技术已经成为国家科技水平的重要体现,其地理信息产业正在成为新的经济增长点。
POI ( point of interest) as the entire geographic point of interest, as the name suggests, is an interesting point. POI(Pointofinterest)的全称为地理兴趣点,顾名思义,就是令人感兴趣的点。
From the view of geographic point, the United States is not a Northeast Asian country, but there it has a huge benefit. 从地理上看,美国并不是一个东北亚国家,但它在东北亚地区存在巨大的利益。
The actual geographic case is analyzed in this paper. It is found that in the process of inserting constrained edge into Delaunay triangulation because the almost coincidence point is inserted which has caused the dead circulation and collapse of the Triangle program. 本文分析了实际地质建模的案例,发现Triangle在插入约束线时,会因为插入了几乎重合的点而导致Triangle程序出现死循环,进而崩溃。
GIS allows visual display of geographic information of the monitory point. It provides a platform for the visual access and management of the video monitoring. It also forms a liaison between video information and the command decision of the forest fire prevention. GIS系统让监控点的空间地理信息得到直观显示,为监控视频的可视化查阅和管理提供了平台,在视频信息和森林防火指挥决策之间搭起了一座桥梁。
With the development of computer application and improvement of information management in cities, geographic information systems get more and more application, such as Electronic Maps, urban residence registration, house number distribution, point of interest, digital city management and digital landscape. 随着计算机应用水平和城市信息化管理程度的提高,地理信息系统得到越来越多的应用,诸如公众电子地图、城市户籍管理、门牌号码分布、POI兴趣点、数字城管、数字园林等等各行各业。